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Help Plant Trees, Plant Hope
We’re very glad to be bringing you the VA IrishFest to plant one tree for each ticket sale!
ForestPlanet, Inc. is a 501(c)3 organization that supports proven and large scale tree planting projects all over the world. We’ve helped get more than 1,400,000 trees planted to date, thanks in part to the organizers of this fun event, but it’s not just about the quantity of seedlings. Our focus is on the broader impact of the forest restoration projects: wildlife habitat restoration, groundwater replenishment, soil remediation, carbon sequestration, and of course community development.
And community development means creating income security, food security, and hope for hundreds of millions of people on the razor’s edge. Trees are powerful engines for driving soil revitalization, as they fix nitrogen, help hold water, and stimulate microbial diversity.
Please send a note if there are any questions. ForestPlanet, Inc. is a 501(c)3 organization, and our original IRS determination letter is here. Thank you for your support!